Terms of Service

Last Modified June 8, 2024

Terms of Service are updated in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Check GDPR information.


  1. Introduction
  2. Acceptance of Terms
  3. Place of Claims
  4. Eligibility
  5. Purchases
  6. Return the purchase
  7. Property Rights to Content
  8. Rules of Conduct
  9. Termination
  10. Contacting Us

1. Introduction

The Service is operated and maintained by company FATHILL GAMES s.r.o., ID: 55690696, registered office: Daniela Dlabača 769/21, 010 01 Žilina, Slovak Republic. FATHILL GAMES is a provider of mobile and online services in the form of their mobile applications.

These Terms of Service are apply to and govern the use of these applications:
Google Play Store

  1. Splash Wars - glow strategy
  2. Minesweeper: World

The Apps are applications available on mobile devices (Android) and which can therefore be played on mobile smartphones and tablets. FATHILL GAMES expressly reserves the right to alter these Terms of Service anytime.

2. Acceptance of Terms

The Terms of Service you are reading are a legally binding agreement that governs the relationship between FATHILL GAMES and yourself and your use of FATHILL GAMES products above mentioned. By accessing or using FATHILL GAMES services you agree that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use the Service. The terms “you” and “user” shall refer to all individuals and entities that access the Services. You represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to accept these Terms and to abide by them and that you have fully read and understood the terms. Company FATHILL GAMES expressly reserves the right to alter these Terms of Service anytime.

3. Place of Claims

Company FATHILL GAMES  is located in Slovak Republic. Any claims related to the Service will be governed by the laws of the Slovak Republic and any legal proceedings will be conducted by the relevant courts of the Slovak Republic.

The services and applications provided by FATHILL GAMES are intended for amusement and entertainment only. The services and applications are not gambling. No Money is required to play FATHILL GAMES games and nothing of value can be won be playing the games. Application features may include the possibility to purchase upgrades (such as access to certain elements in the Service) or to purchase virtual currency to play a game.

4. Eligibility  

For our applications, the age limit is 12 years. FATHILL GAMES reserve the right to invalidate user accounts if he become aware that a user is less than the required minimum age and FATHILL GAMES may request additional information to confirm a user’s age at any time. Other legal ramifications may also apply.

Certain parts of the service, in particular use of the applications, may require a user account. Sometimes, a user account is created when you first download or open the application and requires no overt registration process. These automatic user accounts are automatically created based on your device information, or your facebook account if you decide to connect your user account with it. You may also be able to provide us with profile information within the service. You agree not to provide inaccurate, misleading or false information in connection with your use of the service and in particular in connection with your user account for the service. If information you have provided to us subsequently becomes inaccurate, misleading or false, you will promptly notify us of such change. Please also see FATHILL GAMES Privacy Policy for more information about how they process your personal data.

FATHILL GAMES reserves the right to require  prior or later acceptance for registration or for a User Account. FATHILL GAMES has a right to refuse the registration for any reason. Registration can be limited, for example, in terms of territory, jurisdiction or other metric.

5. Purchases

The subject of the purchase is a virtual game currency. Virtual game currency may be allocated to you free of charge or acquired for play by users for a price stated in the price schedule. The game currency or upgrades, where applicable, can be purchased for real money or won during gameplay, but they have absolutely no cash value. Game currency is entirely non-transferrable and has no real world value. Any Game currency you purchase or win during gameplay is licensed to you on a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable basis and only for non-commercial use in the Service. Game currency is not sold to you. Game currency may never be redeemed for actual monetary instruments, goods or other items of monetary value from FATHILL GAMES or any other party. You agree not to sell, trade, redeem or otherwise transfer Game currency to any person or entity, including but not limited to another user or any third party, or in any other way cash out or exchange the Game currency for real money or for any real goods. 

Virtual game currency may only be held by legal residents of countries where access to and use of the Services are permitted. Virtual game currency may only be purchased or acquired from us and through means we provide on the applicable applications or otherwise expressly authorize. FATHILL GAMES does not recognize any purchases or transfers made outside of the service on any other platform or e-commerce website, and shall not be liable for any claims or damages caused to the users with respect to game currency virtual purchased or obtained from third parties, and not through the means provided within the game. FATHILL GAMES reserves the right to refuse your request to purchase or acquire Virtual game currency for any reason or revise the pricing for the Virtual game currency at anytime.

6. Return the purchase

If your Account is charged for items you did not purchase, or you did not receive the items you purchased, or you were charged an incorrect amount, you may request a refund or correction in accordance to payment provider policy. Any refund request must be received within 96 hours from the time of purchase in order for refunds to be issued in accordance to payment provider policy. Refund requests past 96 hours from time of purchase will be honored according only in accordance to FATHILL GAMES payment policy. Other than charges to your Account, you agree to notify us about any billing problems or discrepancies within 30 days after they first appear on your Account statement. If you do not bring them to FATHILL GAMES attention within 30 days, you agree that you waive your right to dispute such problems or discrepancies.

7. Property Rights to Content

By accessing the Apps and/or using their services and/or content, the player acknowledges that the entire content of the Apps is the sole and unrestricted property of the Company. The player undertakes to use the Apps, services and any related content and information exclusively for the intended personal, private purpose, and to refrain from changing, copying, publishing, distributing or otherwise exploiting any of the aforementioned resources. The player further undertakes to refrain from interfering with the Apps, services and any related content and information by any technical means whatsoever.

8. Rules of Conduct

You agree to not use the service to upload, post or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. FATHILL GAMES shall have the right to remove any content that violates the terms of service or is otherwise objectionable.

Any attempt to manipulate, interfere with or otherwise disrupt the service, is strictly prohibited according to the terms of service and will result in the immediate termination of your account. In particular, you agree not to use unauthorized third party software designed to cheat, hack or modify the service or user experience in any way.

In cases of abusive behaviour on the part of a player, the company FATHILL GAMES reserves the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect. Furthermore, FATHILL GAMES is entitled to cancel ongoing games and ban the player from the Apps, with or without prior notice, and delete and/or withhold any credit.

9. Termination

These Terms of Service will remain effective until terminated by either party.  You may terminate these Terms of Service at any time and for any reason by uninstalling FATHILL GAMES apps or, if you have not installed any FATHILL GAMES apps, by sending an email to contact@fathillgames.com notifying FATHILL GAMES of your termination), deleting or otherwise destroying all service-related materials and ceasing use of the service.  

10. Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Terms of Service, please contact us at: contact@fathillgames.com